I believe in the power of design. While my career has morphed many times, from designer, to manager, to strategist and most recently into design build contractor, I have not. I will always believe in the power of Design to solve problems and to transform the impossible into a ready reality. This most recent iteration turns the power of design into a force for transforming lives and transforming spaces in our lived, physical reality.
As such, I refuse to accept obvious answers and easy solutions. Scavengers are always searching, always asking, and always reaching. They open up boxes, say what others are afraid to say, look behind dumpsters for hidden treasure, and push for quality, over quantity. I believe that design is the first step of every successful solution and live by the tenet that this approach is inherently strategic. I am in touch with the understanding that in order to find the most relevant and transformative solution to a problem, one must be daring enough to look where others might turn away.
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Get to know me and how I see things by checking out some of my work: