sanctuari Modular Living Wall
A Product for Living Spaces
The sanctuari product was conceived as my MBA thesis venture project and venture show submission. Sanctuari is a modular self watering, self lit, living wall, designed to care for plants in indoor spaces, targeted at dense urban area residents and corporate settings, where light is low and user capacity for watering and caretaking. It functions both as a singular unit, or a collection of many, lending itself to a wide diversity of decor expressions, depending on desire and need. Using a subscription business model, users can buy sactuari by the bundle or build their living wall over time.
This product was the culmination of two semesters of product research, conception, testing, prototyping, business case development and planning. I worked with two separate teams on this effort, but was responsible for the design and conception of the product itself. I also developed the logo, branding, and marketing plan. I hope to bring this product to the market for prototyping development and eventual launch within the next few years.
Research and user need
Step one in the conception of this product was to conceive and discover unmet needs toward which to design a product. The team came up with a variety of ideas and eventually settled upon the modular living wall as our main project. Once the idea had been chosen, we needed to validate that the product would be used, through which we conducted research to prove as such. We also needed to create the product in some kind of solid form. Prototyping this out, we settled on a diamond shape design, since that offered the most versatility for design application, which we considered high priority aspect of the product we were designing.