Strategic Foresight: The Future of Sexuality
What does the future hold? It's a question that many ask but few can answer. Using strategic foresight tools and methodology, my team analyzed trends and emerging technology to create a unique glimpse into the Future of Sexuality for the year 2030.
We developed a future scenario for sexuality and brought it alive with video. Editing and acting were done in house. The purpose of this video was to spearhead a 25 minute workshop in which we prompted participants to imagine the manifestation of this future imagined technology as well as contemplate the technological and social implications. Our workshop was supported by a survey in which we solicited over a 100 responses on their views of sex, sexuality and the technology that may shift our views personally and socially in the coming future.
Three levels of Sexuality
Since sexuality is such a wide reaching topic, we organized our analysis into three levels of sexuality, the individuals personal experiences or explorations, how that individual relates intimately to the other, and finally how (s)he relates and identifies in the context of larger society.
Alternative futures methodology
Using Jim Dator's alternative future's methodology from the Hawaii Research Center for Futures Studies, we envisioned a transformative future in which brain mapping technology would enable us to have sex with a safe network of strangers for the purpose of healing neural pathways to create better emotional connections with existing partners.
Survey results
Using google surveys, we used qualitative data to spearhead the conversation about the future of sexuality for our workshop of 25 participants. The results indicated some interesting findings around our natural desires and our socially programmed understandings.