Most great endeavors start as a jumble of thoughts, ideas and musings. How can you amass these disparate concepts into an instrument for success?
You need three things: a story, a strategy, and a design.
Story has been with us since the beginning of mankind. We want stories to relate to, we need stories to understand each other, and we crave stories to buy in and participate with. Stories are incredibly valuable for setting the stage to communicate your special and unique offering to the world. What's your story? Who are you? What do you bring to the table for your clients?
Strategy defines who you are and where you're going. You can't move without a strategy and an idea for a direction toward success. Strategy defines the what, the who, the where and the how. How do you take a story and make it reality? With solid strategic direction behind your story, you can drive your efforts toward business growth efficiently and with confidence.
Design brings it all together. You want everything in your project and your business to align to your story and your vision. Design is the wardrobe for your business to shine. Armed with a strategy and a good story, great design creates confidence and communicates everything about who you are consistently and creatively. Design takes everything into account and communicates who you are and where you are going without your ever having to say a word.
Alignment from story to strategy to design is essential in your communication to clients and to the world. With all three in place, you can find your way through the maze of creation to the fulfilling reality of manifestation. Using user centric design thinking to execute on these steps ties your project together and makes the journey fun, as opposed to the heaviness of business have to's. When you have these three things organized and set, all your business decisions can operate smoothly and from one vision: namely, what you can do for your clients.